Friday, December 19, 2008
Getting ready for Christmas
My Little Sister, Alice (sometimes Gertie)
She has lots of clothes. I like this green dress because it makes her look kind of like she has red hair. She still has really big blue eyes, which is weird because mine are brown and mommy and daddy don't have blue eyes, but Aunt Catherine and Aunt Katie and Grandpa Harry do, so I guess it's not that weird.
Just like me, she likes to have her clothes off! Here she's trying to get them off, but she still needs help.
Fun and games...
I really like hammers. I have three of them and sometimes I get to play with daddy's (but one time I got an owie on my forehead). Mommy likes this hammer. She said maybe someday I can have a bigger one and wear a robe, but I don't get it.
My Aunt Catherine visited because my grandpa Harry was in the hospital. Things got kind of crazy that week (mommy says that's why there's no Thanksgiving photos), but Catherine played with us too.
I really like to play after I take a bath. This is my cool ball:
My sister had to wear an orange sack with a face and some leaves on it. She wasn't very happy about it:
Elliott and my friend, Olivia, came over. Elliott borrowed my boots and hat and wore a crazy cow vest. Olivia had on wings. It was so funny how all our parents made us wear funny things on the same day!
Alice and I got into my wagon with some pillows and went with mom and Kay.
We walked around the neighborhood and my sister fell asleep.
Some of the grown-ups were dressed up too. This is Lisa. She is a blue rooster. I got to pick out some brightly wrapped candies to give to my daddy (but he did let me try some).
I stopped to look at Lisa's dog through the fence.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Too busy...
There is so much I have to do every day. First I have to go into the kitchen and empty all the drawers. Then there is a cabinet with lots of plastic bowls that have tops and I have to empty that too, just in case something in there changed. I save my favorite cabinet for last because it has these silver things with handles that make lots of noise when you bang them. Then I go and see if mom left anything dangerous on the floor or anywhere I can reach. Sometimes she does and I just want to make sure she's doing her job! Then I go see where my baby sister is. Sometimes it's easy because I can hear her crying and I just follow that. My mom sure pays a lot of attention to that little girl. It's a good thing I can get her attention making noise in the kitchen and my room. I have a lot of toys and books that I play with. I really like books. I used to like to play in the toilet, but Mom yells at me and I have to sit in my crib, so I don't do that anymore (well, sometimes....).
Anyhow, there are some cool new photos below now that mom finally had time to help me. She tried to post a video of me, but she's having some trouble getting the new camera to talk to the new computer so maybe next time.
Baby sister is growing fast...
and looking around a little more...
She started stretching and really looking at you, not just into space.
Here she is all dressed up.
And here she is with her friend Marnie who's just a couple days older.
Marnie and her sisters, Riley and Mackenzie, came over. It was fun playing with them, but I wish there were some boys!!
Saturday, October 11, 2008
You know what did move? The lion! When she saw me, she ran over and tried to give me a high five, but there was glass in the way. Mommy was kind of scared and Daddy was really surprised. They said that lion wanted to eat me! Another animal that moved pretty fast was the giraffe. It was scared of a squirrel and ran back to its barn. Here I am looking at the giraffe with my Auntie Shelley:
I like seeing all the animals and their nice new cages. There was even a little cage for me:
But I don't have to go to a zoo to see animals. Our neighbors got about thirty chickens. Mom thinks that's too many. Here they are, trying to come into our yard...
It took a week or so, but they finally figured it out:
Trips to the mountains...
Mom and dad took me to a mountain lake for a picnic. I had fun climbing the rocks.
Here's one of the craziest hats I've seen. It had hair kind of like Mom's...
Mumsy has a special wooden horse that rocks for me and my cousin Elliott. I got right on and rode it. Mom was surprised, but I really got her when I started trick riding:
I was so good at that, they let me try the real thing and I loved it.
On another trip to McCall, Mom and I went to the lake. The first time we went there were lots of waves, but there weren't any this time. I just walked right into the lake, but Mom made me come out because it was too cold.